< More people with Atcherley as a forename
On this page: Taylor | Tetlow | Thomas | Tilley | Tippett | Turner | Vosper | Wallis | West | Whatham | Wiggin | Wright
Note: All places below are in England or Wales unless otherwise stated. Women with an Atcherley forename who married are listed under both surnames (unless they are living, in which case they are listed under the birth surname only).
Robert Atcherley Taylor. Baptised 18 Jan 1784 at More, Shropshire, son of the Rev Robert Taylor (1749 – 1833) and Dorothy Atcherley (baptised 1761). My seven part story about Robert’s life and crimes begins with A fraudster Down Under: Robert Atcherley Taylor – Part 1.
William Atcherley Tetlow. Born 1859 at Leamington, Warwickshire, son of John Richard Tetlow and Margaret Sarah Dickin. William’s maternal uncle was William Acherley Parkes Dickin (see above) and he was a great grandson of Thomas Dickin (1737 – 1805) and Sarah Atcherley (1752 – 1803). William’s paternal grandparents were another John Richard Tetlow, and Mary Topping – a first cousin of Anne Margaret Topping (1788 – 1867), wife of David Francis Atcherley (1783 – 1845). William died 1938 in Middlesex.
Herbert Atcherley Thomas. Born 12 Jun 1902 at Church Aston, Shropshire, son of William Albert Herbert Thomas (1873 – 1945) and Emma Atcherley (1865 – 1930). Herbert died 1944 at Wellington, Shropshire.
Henry Atcherley Thomas. Connection with the Atcherley family unknown. The registration of Henry’s birth in the third quarter of 1876 in Chester is the only record in which I have seen his Atcherley middle name. I suspect he was the son of William Thomas and his wife Jane Griffith/Griffiths. William was a jeweller when enumerated on the censuses of 1871 and 1891 (14-year-old son Henry A Thomas appears with the family in the latter), but was a Baptist minister in 1881 when the family was living in Braunston, Northamptonshire (at which time 4 year old Henry was part of the family). Henry’s fate, and the origins of his Atcherley middle name, are unknown.
Elizabeth Atcherly Tilley. Born about 1885 at Camberwell, Surrey, daughter of Henry Edwin Tilley and Ann Dennis, and granddaughter of Henry Dennis (born 1808) and Ann Atcherley (1813 – 1882). Elizabeth married Albert Victor O’Neill (1887 – 1975) in 1910, and died as Elizabeth Atcherly O’Neill, 31 Mar 1964 in Surrey.
John Atcherley Tippett. Connection with the Atcherley family unknown. Born 23 Sep 1848 and baptised 22 Sep 1850 at St Martin in the Fields, Westminster, Middlesex, son of Mary Ann Tippett (no father named) of Taylors Buildings. His mother was, I suspect, the 14-year-old Mary Ann Tippett recorded on the 1841 census at Gwennap, Cornwall, with her parents and sisters. As John was born out of wedlock, the middle name Atcherley might be a clue to the identity of his father. It might also have been written incorrectly! Ackerley/Ackerly (and other variants) is a name which turns up in several Cornish parish registers (particularly Mabe) and I suspect this was what John’s mother said when asked for her son’s name at the baptism ceremony.
Bessie Atcherley Derington-Turner / Bessie Atcherley Derington Turner: see Bessie Atcherley Pugh (birth name)
Roy Atcherley Vosper. Born 4 Oct 1898 at Preston, Sussex, son of Harry O’Donoghue Vosper and Rose Goldup Atcherley (see Roy Atcherley Vosper’s World War One). Roy died 13 Aug 1964 at St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands.
Elizabeth Atcherley Wallis. The 1913 Electoral Roll for Hurstville—Sans Souch Polling Place, New South Wales, Australia includes Charles Frederick Wallis and his wife “Elizabeth Atcherley Wallis”. Research into Elizabeth’s origins however reveals that she began life as Elizabeth Ackerley Varcoe, born 1867 in the state of Victoria, Australia, daughter of Benjamin Varcoe and Elizabeth Ann Bettinson. She married John Rhys Bodycomb/Bodycombe in 1896, but was widowed the following year and appeared on the 1903 Electoral Roll for Ballarat West, Victoria, Australia as Elizabeth Ackerly Bodycombe. She married Charles F Wallis in New South Wales, Australia in 1909.
Mary Atcherley West: see Mary Atcherley Wright (birth name)
Henry Atcherley Whatham. Connection with the Atcherley family unknown. Born 1884 in Chorlton, Lancashire, and baptised 1 Feb 1885 at Chorlton, son of Rowland Henry Whatham and Maria/Marian Elizabeth Calcott. In Henry’s baptism record, Rowland was described as an agent, and the 1901 census recorded the family living at Barton on Irwell, Lancashire, with Rowland working as a commercial traveller. Did Rowland Henry Whatham work for Roger Atcherley (a grocer / dried fruit merchant, also of Barton on Irwell) and give his son Atcherley as a middle name in honour of his employer? Henry Atcherley Whatham remained in Lancashire and died there 15 Jul 1945. He was a second cousin of George Douglas Atcherley Crosbie, both being great grandsons of Richard Mercer Parry and Mary English.
Robert Atcherley Wiggin. Born 1891 at Sheriff Hales, Shropshire, son of George Wiggin and his wife Jane. George Wiggin was living with and working for Robert and Emma Atcherley at Heath Hill in the parish of Sheriff Hales at the time of the 1881 census. The same was true in 1891, when George had risen from farm servant to foreman, was married to Jane, and had a one-year-old daughter Annie. George and Jane’s second child came along later that year and was evidently named after the family’s host Robert Atcherley. Robert Atcherley Wiggin died 23 Mar 1946 at the Cottage Hospital in Shifnal, Shropshire, but his home at that time was 83 Heath Hill, Sheriff Hales.
Elizabeth Atcherley Wright: See Elizabeth Atcherley Symes (birth name).
Graham Atcherley Wright: See Graham Atcherley Atcherley-Symes.
Mary Atcherley Wright. Born 24 Jun 1920 in Kent, daughter of George Wright (~1886 – 1936) and Elizabeth Atcherley Symes (see above), and great granddaughter of Aaron Stark Symes and Sarah Jefferys (Aaron Stark Symes’ second wife was Elizabeth Atcherley Holt, see above). Married Frederick W West in 1942 and died as Mary Atcherley West, 1991, in Surrey.
Rachel Atcherley Wright. Born 31 Jul 1922 in Sussex, sister of Mary Atcherley Wright above. Married Ernest Edgard Spink (1916 – 1987) 1946, and died as Elizabeth Atcherley Spink in the year 2000, in Hampshire.