Directories Part 1

< More Trade and Street Directories

From 1784 to 1860

1784 | 1800 | 1811 | 1822 | 1828 | 1830 | 1834 | 1835 | 1839 | 1841 | 1842 | 1843 | 1844 | 1846 | 1850 | 1852 | 1853 | 1855 | 1856 | 1859

1784 [Back to top]

Bailey’s British Directory; or, Merchant’s and Trader’s Useful Companion for the year 1784

Page unknown
Roger Atcherley, Whitchurch, Shropshire []
mercer, draper

1800 (approx) [Back to top]

The Universal British Directory of Trade, Commerce, and Manufacture. Volume 4.

Page 417 (Shrewsbury) View at Google Books
Atcherley Rev. Mr. []
Traders, &c.
Atcherley, Ironmonger []

Page 745 (Whitchurch, Shropshire; Traders, &c.) View at Google Books
Atcherley Elizabeth, Draper []

[Note: The Universal British Directory was published in four volumes, the first of them in 1791. Volume 4 does not bear a date of publication but refers to events of 1796. William Atcherley began his ironmonger’s apprenticeship in 1795 and it is unlikely he would have been trading in his own right until he had completed that apprenticeship.]

1811 [Back to top]

Holden’s Annual London and Country Directory, of the United Kingdoms, and Wales. Vol. 2

Page unknown (Shrewsbury)
Atcherley Wm. ironmonger, Mardol. []

1822 [Back to top]

Pigot’s Directory of Herefordshire, Shropshire and Worcestershire

Page 375 (Shropshire: Shrewsbury: Iron Mongers)
Atcherley William, Mardol []

1828-29 [Back to top]

(Pigot & Co.’s Directory)

Page 672 (Shropshire: Bridgnorth &c.: Surgeons—veterinary) View at Google Books
Atcherley James, Castle st []

Page 689 (Shropshire: Shrewsbury &c.: Nobility, gentry and clergy) View at Google Books
Atcherley Wm. esq. Cadogan place []

Page 700 (Shropshire: Whitchurch &c.: Taverns & public houses) View at Google Books
Golden Ball, John Atcherley, Pepper alley []

1830 [Back to top]

Pigot & Co. National Commercial Directory

Page 211 (Devonshire: Exmouth, &c: Nobility, gentry & clergy)
Atcherley Rowland, gent. Parade. []

1834 [Back to top]

(Pigot’s Directory)

Page 341 (Lancashire: Liverpool &c.: Chymists & druggists)
Bird and Atcherley, Gt. George’s pl []

1835 [Back to top]

(Pigot & Co.’s Directory of Derbys, Herefs etc.)

Page 349 (Shropshire: Bridgnorth, &c.: Veterinary surgeons) View at Historical Directories
Atcherley Jas. Rennell, St. Mary’s st []

Page 373 (Shropshire: Shrewsbury, &c.: Nobility, gentry and clergy) View at Historical Directories
Atcherley Mr. William, Mount []

Page 388 (Shropshire: Whitchurch, &c.: Taverns & public houses) View at Historical Directories
Golden Ball, Jas. Atcherley, Pepper alley []

Page 711 (North Wales: Mold and neighbourhood: Gentry and clergy) View at Historical Directories
Atcherley D. F. esq. Cumma []

1839 [Back to top]

Robson’s London and Birmingham Directory

Page 332 (London)
Acherley, Serjeant at law, 2 Serjeant’s inn, Chanc. La []

Page 345 (Commercial Directory)
Atcherley. Srjnt-at-law, 5 Crown Office row, Tmpl []

1841 [Back to top]

Pigot & Slater’s Directory of Manchester & Salford

Page 24 View at Historical Directories
Atcherley Richard, salesman, 12 Paddock st, Ardwick []

1842 [Back to top]

Pigot and Co’s Royal National and Commercial Directory and Topography of the Counties of Derbyshire, Dorsetshire, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Monmouthshire, Oxfordshire, Shropshire [etc.]

Page 7 [Shropshire section], Bridgnorth, &c. View at Historical Directories
Veterinary Surgeons.
Atcherley Jas. Rennell, St. Mary st.

Page 54 [Shropshire section] Whitchurch, &c. View at Historical Directories
Taverns & public houses
Golden Ball, James Atcherley, Pepper st []

1843 [Back to top]

Gore’s Directory of Liverpool

Page 43
Atcherley John, surgeon, 3, Great George place []

Post Office London Directory

Page 73 (Commercial Directory) View at Google Books
Atcherley David Francis, serjeant at law, 2 Serjeant’s inn []

1844 [Back to top]

(Pigot’s Shropshire Directory)

Page 6 (Bridgnorth, &c.: Taverns & public houses)
New Inn, James Rundell [= Rennell] Atcherley, St. Mary st []

Page 7 (Bridgnorth, &c.: Veterinary surgeons)
Atcherley Jas. Rennell, St. Mary st []

Page 54 (Whitchurch, &c.: Taverns & public houses)
Golden Ball, James Atcherley, Pepper st []

Page 35 (Shrewsbury, &c.: Nobility, gentry and clergy)
Atcherley Mr. William, Mount []

Pigot and Co.’s Royal National and Commercial Directory and Topography [of Berks, Bucks etc]

Page 43 [North Wales Directory] (Mold and neighbourhood: Gentry and Clergy) View at Historical Directories
Atcherley D. F. Esq. Cummah []

1846 [Back to top]

(Bath Directory)

Page 17 View at Historical Directories
Atcherley Rowland, M.D., 19 Pulteney street []

Page 200 View at Historical Directories
Pulteney st.
19 Dr. Atcherley []

Page 208 View at Historical Directories
Atcherley Rowland, 19, Pulteney street []

(Advertisements section) View at Historical Directories
The Mutual Life Assurance Society.
Bath Branch.
Medical Officers:
Rowland Atcherley, M.D., 19, Pulteney Street, Bath []

1850 [Back to top]

History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Devonshire (White’s Directory)

Page 197 (St. Nicholas’ parish) View at Historical Directories
Atcherley Rowland M.D. [Shaldon] []

(Slater’s North Wales Directory)

Page 55 (Mold and neighbourhood: Gentry and Clergy)
Atcherley D. H. Esq. Cummah []

Page 81 (Wrexham &c.: Gentry and Clergy)
Atcherley Mrs —, Cwmmy, near Brymbo []

1852-53 [Back to top]

Slater’s Directory of Berkshire, Cornwall, Devonshire, Dorsetshire, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Somersetshire, Wiltshire and South Wales

Page 188 (Devonshire: Teignmouth, East and West: Nobility, Gentry and clergy) View at Historical Directories
Atcherley Mrs. Anne, Shaldon []

1853 [Back to top]

Gore’s Directory of Liverpool & its Environs

Page 35 (Directory) View at Historical Directories
Atcherley John, surgeon, 49, Great George street []
———— Richard, linen draper and silk mercer, 132, St. James st []

Slater’s Classified Directory of the Extensive and Important Manufacturing District 15 Miles Round Birmingham

Page 306 (Wolverhampton &c.: Grocers & Tea Dealers)
Atcherley Thomas, Darlington st []

1855 [Back to top]

General and Commercial Directory and Topography of the Borough of Birmingham (Francis White & Co.)

Page 573 (Wolverhampton Directory: Grocers and Tea Dlrs)
Atcherley T. C, Chapel Ash []

Post Office Directory of Birmingham

Page 441 (Wolverhampton: Traders)
Atcherley Thomas, grocer & provision dealer, Chapel ash []

(Slater’s Lancashire Directory)

Page 173 (Liverpool &c.)
Atcherley John, surgeon, 49 Gt. George st []
Atcherley Richard, linen draper, 29 Great George st []

Page 371 (Manchester &c.)
Atcherley John, silk mercer, 49 Stanley st, Cheetham Hill []

Page 912 (Manchester &c., Grocers & Tea Dealers)
Atcherley Roger, 29 Rochdale road []

1856 [Back to top]

Post Office Directory of Gloucestershire, Bath & Bristol

Page 241 (Gloucester: Cheltenham: Gentry) View at Historical Directories
Atcherley Mrs. Rothsay house, Pittville []

1859 [Back to top]

Slater’s National Commercial Directory

Page 7 [of Shropshire section] (Bridgnorth, &c.) View at Historical Directories
Taverns & Public Houses.
Swan, Emma Atcherley, High st []
Veterinary Surgeons.
Atcherley, James Rennell, High st []
