Angel, Tree, Candle, Holly, Elves, Reindeer, Lights, Evergreens, Yule log = ATCHERLEY!
The last two or three months have not gone quite as I’d wished. There were people I wanted to meet and/or talk to, research I hoped to do, stories I planned to write. Life had other ideas.
Now, Christmas beckons, and with it a chance to recharge the batteries and look ahead to a new year. To readers of my Atcherley stories I wish the same as I wish for myself: health, happiness, and the fruition of hopes and plans of all kinds in 2015!
With very best wishes,
Picture credits. Blue Angel, from photo by Fr Lawrence Lew, taken from his Flickr photostream, cropped and used under a Creative Commons licence. Red Louisiana Boardwalk Giant Christmas Tree, from photo by Shreveport-Bossier Convention and Tourist Bureau, taken from Wikimedia Commons, cropped and used under a Creative Commons licence. Christmas wreath with fake candle, from photo by Andrew Malone, taken from his Flickr photostream, cropped and used under a Creative Commons licence. Holly tree, from photo by Nannette Turner, taken from her Flickr photostream, cropped and used under a Creative Commons licence. Christmas Elves, from photo by Amy Buthod, taken from her Flickr photostream, cropped, used and made available for re-use under a Creative Commons licence. Reindeer, from photo by @notnixon, taken from their Flickr photostream (no longer online), cropped, used and made available for re-use under a Creative Commons licence. Christmas Lights, from photo by ssandiiee, taken from Deviant Art website, cropped and used under a Creative Commons licence. Tsuga diversifolia needles and cones (Evergreens), from photo by Sten Porse, taken from Wikimedia Commons, cropped, used and made available for re-use under a GNU Free Documentation licence. Yule log boy, from photo by C P Storm, taken from his Flickr photostream, cropped and used under a Creative Commons licence.