Topic index

Atcherley articles and stories grouped by the topics they cover. Those stories which relate to more than one topic are included in both or all of the relevant categories . The images below all link to the stories in which they appear, where picture credits will be found.


Two stories relating to the woman whose Atcherley maiden name sparked my genealogical journey – my late mother.

  • Remembering Mum. The family history themed tribute to Mum which I read at her funeral, published a year after her passing.
  • Family, trees, and memories. Observations and recollections from a Bluebell Walk in memory of Mum.

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Agricultural Atcherleys

Over the centuries many Atcherleys have belonged to farming families, working on land they owned or leased. The 1800s however saw the decline of Atcherleys who worked as farmers and the rise of Atcherleys who worked for farmers (as labourers or waggoners for example).

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Trading aces

A favoured field of employment for some of those Atcherleys who did not farm, was making and/or selling clothing, other ‘dry goods’ or foodstuffs.

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An Education: Atcherley students and teachers

Not all Atcherleys received a formal education, but many did and some also went on to be teachers or even school masters. Researching these stories certainly taught me a lesson!

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Faith, hope and charity

Historically, the Christian faith has played an important part in the lives of almost all members of the Atcherley family. Some pursued a career in the church, most were churchgoers, some were active in the church in other ways, and many contributed generously to charitable causes.

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Law and disorder

Some Atcherleys some administered or enforced the law, some tried to make or change it, and others broke it!

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Atcherley actors, artists and authors

Several members of the Atcherley family engaged in acting, singing, playing musical instruments, sculpting, painting, or writing. Some did so to earn a living or supplement their income, others for pleasure, and some performed to raise money for charitable causes.

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Planes, trains, automobiles and Atcherleys

For centuries people travelled on foot, by horse, or on sailing vessels. Engines revolutionised transport, and for some members of the Atcherley family this opened up new horizons with regard to holiday destinations or employment.

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Atcherleys at rest and play

What the Atcherleys did with the time they had for holidays and recreation.

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For richer, for poorer

Following the Atcherley family’s financial fortunes and misfortunes.

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In sickness and in health

An examination of the Atcherleys who dispensed or received medical treatment following illness of accident.

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Love and marriage – and other relationships

A look at the families in the Atcherley family tree, the result of love and marriage. Along with cohabitation, children born outside wedlock, absent fathers, and divorce. Plus those who (by choice or otherwise) lived the single life.

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Atcherleys abroad

The Atcherley family might be small in number, but it has certainly managed to get around! These stories look at the lives of Atcherleys who emigrated from – and a few Atcherley marriage partners who immigrated to – Britain.

The Old World: Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia

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The New World: The Americas and the Caribbean

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Down Under: Australia and New Zealand

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Conflicts of interest – Atcherleys in wartime

There are few if any families who have not been touched by war at some time in history. Here are my stories about Atcherleys who went to war, and those who were active on the home front.

Pre-World War 1

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World War 1

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World War 2

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Atcherley genealogy

Stories and articles focussing on my work to untangle the sometimes twisted, sometimes well-buried roots of the Atcherley family tree and to reveal the growth of some of its branches.

Atcherley origins

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The descendants and kin of Thomas of Marton

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The descendants and kin of Richard of Stanwardine

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Branches rejoined, and other families researched

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General research – house history, census and other records, transcription troubles and DNA

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Setting (and sometimes achieving!) goals

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Showtime! Family history shows and events

My experiences at family history shows and events (so far, the dearly departed Who Do You Think You Are? Live! Show).

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